ASCAB Technologies is a leading mobile technology solution provider. We work with our clients to build robust, award-winning mobile solutions for iOS, Android, Windows 8, HTML5 and more.Our crea...
Globally IT Leaders are trying to tackle the twin challenges of maximizing productivity and reducing costs. Collaboration solutions can help consolidate information, improve customer and employee comm...
Business Intelligence is the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis. BI can handle enormous amounts of unstructured data to help identify, develop and ...
Cloud Solutions from ASCAB Technologies are backed by years of running large, distributed and high volume systems on AWS and Azure. Businesses can rely on us to reap the benefits of elasticity, s...
Geographical Condition TestingMobile services and apps will behave differently as per the network and location, so test plans will require environmental setups.Installation/OTA TestingMobile service i...
The Goal of SEO is to bring an organic traffic to your website. This will result in more leads, which can be converted to customers/ subscribers, etc. However, search engine optimization is much more ...
We offer high-value consulting solutions that help our clients attain their business goals. Quality service is delivered to our clients by leveraging our healthcare expertise and industry specific kno...